OLO Board of 2018
Member team
Emma Määttä
Bruno Gioia Sandler
Suvi Sjöberg
Hi there! We are the member's team, Emma, Suvi and Bruno. We are taking care of many different issues related to the well-being of OLO members, going from advocacy work trough KOPO and SOPO, to SOOL and KASOPE to name some of our duties. We also work with first
years and master students ensuring that everyone will have the best time in OLO! We are here for you, so if you have any question or comment about any of these issues, member's team is the people to contact!
Organization team
Emmi Turpeinen
Tiia-Reeta Tihinen
Tino Nissinen
Hi! We are the organization team Emmi, Tiia ja Tino. Tino is our boards vice chairman, Tiia is the secretary and Emmi is the communications coordinator. Our team is in charge of the administrative work. We also take care of all kinds of "oddjobs" that don't really balong to any other team. You can contact us if you have any general feedback!
Economy team
Karri Hurskainen
Veera Kandelberg
Jesse Jussila
Yo. This is our economy team: Karri, Veera and Jesse. We are responsible for everything concerning Café Olohuone such as the café´s operation, development, products, organizing the café´s events and informing about them, gathering feedback and taking care of the wellbeing of our employee. In addition, our treasurer deals with our money flow and is in contact with our accountant. Especially, we are looking forward to sharing ideas and building up an even better café, when the time comes for the Faculty of Education to move.
Event team
Sara Hagelberg
Alex Brina
Johanna Suomalainen
Hello! We are event team, Alex, Johanna and Sara. We are organizing different kind of events during the year. Event team committee is helping us to organize fantastic events for you guys! We are really excited for Wappu when there is a lot going on and hopefully we are going to see a lot of OLO members in the events! If you have any questions or ideas about the events please contact us!
Pyry Lahdenperä