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What is OLO?

OLO (Oulun Luokanopettajaopiskelijat ry) is a student organization at the University of Oulu which focuses on students' rights, brings together students from the field and organizes a variety of events for its members. In addition, OLO runs Cafe Olohuone, which offers its services for both students and the staff.


OLO works together with SOOL (Suomen Opettajaksi Opiskelijoiden Liitto) - the national teacher students union. OLO and SOOL cooperate on a local level in advocacy work for teacher students at the university. Our goal is to make students' voices heard on the faculty and university levels, and to ensure a quality study experience for all members. 

OLO ry organizes a variety of events throughout the year! We try to recognize the needs and wishes of all our students when organizing events.

Oulun Luokanopettajaopiskelijat ry was established in 1953, making it a venerable, experienced student organization. 

OLO ry started off as "Pedagogian ylioppilaat ry" and worked with this name for 60 years, until 2013 when the name was changed to its present one.


OLO is run by a board, where six to eight official board members and up to four vice members take care of the student organization. The board meets weekly to brainstorm and organize new happenings, and to decide on important issues regarding the entire organization. Everyone can influence the work of OLO by coming to the meetings and especially coming to the Annual Autumn meeting where the new board is voted upon. Every OLO member is eligible to vote and run for the board.


Feel free to browse the website and get to know what OLO does!








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