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OLO, or Oulun Luokanopettajaopiskelijat ry, is the student organization for class teacher students at the University of Oulu. Its mission is to advocate for students' interests, bring together students from the same field of study, and organize various activities for them. In addition to this, OLO operates the Café OLOhuone, where students, staff, and all other visitors to the university can enjoy its offerings. 


OLO advocates for students' interests in collaboration with SOOL. OLO ry represents SOOL at the local level and is responsible for the collaboration and advocacy of teacher students at the University of Oulu. Our goal is to ensure that students' voices are heard at the program level, within the faculty, and throughout the university, and to provide our members with a smooth and excellent study experience in every way.

OLO ry organizes a variety of events throughout the year, ensuring there is something for everyone! We strive to consider the needs and wishes of different students when planning these events.

Oulun Luokanopettajaopiskelijat ry was founded in 1953, giving the organization a long history of advocating for students' interests.


OLO ry's journey began under the name "Pedagogian ylioppilaat ry," which remained the association's name for 60 years until 2013, when the name change took effect.


OLO's activities are managed by a board elected annually, consisting of six to twelve members. The board meets weekly to brainstorm, organize, and implement decisions. You can influence the composition of the board by attending the autumn meeting to vote. At the meeting, OLO's full members can vote or run for election.


Welcome to explore our activities in more detail on our website!








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